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Read what our customers have to say about our amazing 100% pure blueberry juice here!
I just wanted to say that after buying and using your blueberry powder it has been wonderful for my digestive system and I am very happy with the results. *Results may vary.
Candy W - July 2, 2016
My husband, Prince, was told in late September, his kidneys were failing. Kidney function at that point was 16%, dialysis was just around the corner. Once we were over the initial shock of that, I got on the internet to find out as much as I could, and found Mamaku Blue. We drove there as soon as we could, and bought a dozen bottles. In early October he began taking 150mls daily, as well as the health powder, in his cereal. His energy levels picked up straight away, he could mow the lawns without tiring as well as other jobs around the house. My husband is 68 and still works a 50hr week. Our next 2 visits to the renal clinic, were disappointing as kidney function was now down to 13%. Deterioration was quite rapid but we carried on with his daily doses, feeling positive that we had to give the juice at least 6 months to start working. We had to go through the dialysis options with a team of people because it seemed to be the next step a scary time for us both. Next renal visit, function was up a % to 14%. We were blown away by the results, and went out to celebrate this huge achievement. It meant dialysis wasn’t looming anymore and we were so happy. We had another renal visit just 2 weeks ago and he’s still at 14%. That’s alright because we had a bout of food poisoning which wasn’t pleasant, but we think if that hadn’t happened his function would probably have been up. The fact that it hadn’t got worse is still a positive for us. Our faith in the blueberry juice only grows, it’s wonderful stuff and we wouldn’t be without it. We’ve been told by certain people that you can’t repair shot kidneys. I believe my husband’s kidney’s are getting better, because of the juice. If we can get his function to 16% he won’t need a donor kidney or dialysis, that seems entirely possible. *Results may vary.
Margaret K, New Zealand - March 28, 2016
I just have confidence in your product. When I initially went to your site I found information on Blueberry product informative and easy to read. My doctor, after reading blood test results, informed me my kidneys needed “tweeking”. So what better way do it then with your Blueberry Powder. It looks good, fresh, well packed, and the colour is wonderful. Kidneys at last test are stable – so will continue to add your product to my morning drink. Thanking you. *Results may vary.
Rosemary - October 12, 2015
The powder is a great find for me as I don’t particularly like breakfast. For some years, I’ve made a banana smoothies with fresh blueberries or other fruit added in season. However I’m often hungry by mid morning and am often tempted by muffins and cakes. For the past few weeks, I’ve been adding a teaspoon of your blueberry powder which doesn’t really affect the flavor but adds fibre and hopefully more vitamins and anti-oxidants. The revelation for me has been that I no longer feel hungry mid-morning as the smoothies with your powder keep me going for much longer! Thanks! Now I am planning to take some with me to the States as gifts for family members so hope to see you soon at the market. Cheers. *Results may vary.
Angela C - June 16, 2014
Váš výrobek, Mamaku Blue Blueberry Health Powder, užívám ráno, do půl sklenice (cca 100ml) vlažné vody zamíchám jednu čajovou lžičku. Po vypití, asi po půl hodině, se cítím odpočatější, což je dobře, protože často pracuji na noční směny a občas hned po směně nejdu spát. Prášek není nějak lahodný, ale pomáhá mi řešit můj dlouhodobý problém se zácpou, což moc oceňuji. Zkoušela jsem prášek zamíchat do jablečného 100% džusu, to mi nechutnalo, tak raději používám vlažnou vodu. To se mi osvědčilo a hlavně pomáhá.
I am using Mamaku Blue Blueberry Health Powder every morning. I put one level teaspoon in approx. half a cup (100 mls) of water – room temperature and mix it very well. Within half an hour after this drink I feel more regenerated, which is good, because I am often working night shifts and sometimes I do not go to bed straight away. Powder doesn’t have much flavour, but it helps me to solve my long term problem with constipation, which I am thankful for. I tried to mix the Mamaku Blue Blueberry Health Powder into 100% apple juice but I did not like it, I prefer to have it just in water. That works well for me. *Results may vary.
Kveta, Czech Republic - June 10, 2014
Hi, we recently visited your retail shop and bought blueberry jam. Just like to tell you that we have just eaten chicken sandwiches with the jam (had run out of cranberry) – it was delicious. *Results may vary.
Diane - June 27, 2013
Many thanks to you and the Mamaku Blue team for a great experience last week. We all enjoyed ourselves and the feedback from the attendees has been really positive. Typical comments were about the entertaining tours and amusing commentaries, the things they learnt, and the delicious food. I could tell by the amount of shopping that accompanied us back to the hotel that everyone was really impressed with your products too! It was an ideal activity for the wide range of participants so please pass on my thanks to all involved. It was a lot of fun! *Results may vary Gayl Gaukrodger – Landcorp Farming - July 13, 2012
We just wanted to stay that the Jams we bought to take home have been the most amazing blueberry tasting jams we’ve ever tasted. Our families have commented the same that they’ve never had anything so fantastic on pancakes, toast etc – ever. *Results may vary.
Dawn & Andy Walmsley - December 3, 2009
We were lucky enough to stop off at your shop and cafe in April whilst on holiday from the UK. We just wanted to stay that the Jams we bought to take home have been the most amazing blueberry tasting jams we’ve ever tasted. Our families have commented the same that they’ve never had anything so fantastic on pancakes, toast etc – ever.
The food in the cafe (particularly the blueberry pie) was just delicious. Please also pass our thanks on to Anne for her helpful advice with regards a emigration and life in NZ. We can’t wait to return, and hopefully on a permanent basis someday soon. *Results may vary.
Dawn & Andy Walmsley - December 3, 2009
I would strongly recommend the gooseberry jam baked in filo pastry and eaten whilst still warm. I can’t wait to open our blueberry liqueur at Christmas! *Results may vary.
Anonymous - November 8, 2008
Dear Anne and Philip, I’m so pleased I opted for the winery tour. Philip, you were brilliant: your ability to inform, humour & maintain the visitors interest was praiseworthy – not easy with a “train-load” of Know-All female teachers! Well done! The group was delighted with the products available – hope the cash register was smiling! See you at the next get together! *Results may vary.
Chris Price - June 16, 2004